Things today has got me thinking.. particularly about dealing with difficulties in life. Be it dealing with someone who hurt you.. or with things that made you feel the world seemed so cold and lonely.
It 's kinda funny though.. come to think of it.. when somethings that we love so much happened.. things that we wish came true.. that moment seemed to move so swiftly that we wish we could freeze the time over and over again. We wish that everything would remain the same- the people we love, the things that we grow to be fond of would be just the way they are.. but- of course, life will never be that way. It is itself is a manifestation of changes.
The person who used to paint our world a palette of rainbow may be the very person who tainted our world in darkness.Things that made our life complete may no longer be the one that made us as a whole. This can be disheartening if we allow it to be and not only that - time would seemed crawling..bit by bit and nothing seemed to change back like what it used to be -what more moving towards to the land called 'better'.
I believe that when such a change manifest itself in our life.., the sooner we accept the fact- the reality of change, the sooner we would be able to move on.
Owhh yes.. the questions will arise.. things like- why does he has to change.. why dont things get back the way they used to be.. and these questions will keep on lingering in our own thoughts that bit by bit.. we will soon succumb to feelings of hopelessness, depressed. The thoughts of happiness were being snatched away from our very own possession weakened every aspects of our very own strength. In the end- we lost ourselves in seeking for answers - in decifering things that is no longer the same.

Time - yes! The answer lies in time. It is not in person who has changed. It is not in the things that are lost - because - they are merely tools that God used in order to improve ourselves as His beings. The sooner we accept the reality of change, the sooner we will be able to deal with it and move on. We were not created by God to ponder on things that are lost - instead - learn what is needed to be learnt.. to improve ourselves what is required as His better beings. If our heart were broken into pieces- never question why. Instead- look within ourselves. I believe we will soon find the answers are right there- in ourselves.
Dealing with endless heartache - is simply blinding. I was searching for answers elsewhere whereas the answers were right in me. I discover that today- I learn that I am still attached to my own 'euthopia'. I learn that I have to let go of things- The past is not for me to hold on to for they are just memories for me to look back and smile..yes- for me to smile and say, thank you God for letting me know what is like to be loved .. and most of all- the most valueable answer that i have within myself is- strength.. God wanted me to be strong. He wanted me to strengthen my faith. He wanted me to improve myself as His humble being- new and improved!
It doesnt matter if things were not the same anymore- just let it be. If it is meant to be changed- a love to be lost.. accept it with faith. Just remember- God, the creator of heaven, earth and everything that is between them. Things are taken away are taken for good..for God never let His beings live emptyhanded unless He replaces them with something better. The key is faith, patience and perseverance for "..which is left you by Allah is best for you, if you (but) believed" (Hud: 86).