Saturday, June 25, 2011

Heaven sent..

"It's not me.. it's through me..'
these are the very words my friend had said..and i believe that - this is the very aspect that we should see where do we stand.. living our lives and at the same time deliver ourselves to the AL-MIGHTY...

Years ago.. i never had thought this.. I had made a lot of mistakes putting labels on people and things that would make me happy and feel complete about my life.. when things happened unexpectedly- caught me off guard and suddenly life wasn't that great anymore... mistakes over mistakes i began to commit until i could not  find any silver lining in every cloud i had passed through..

Then.. came along a long lost friend.. as if our path crossed as planned.. i begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.. i admire her courage, strength, ambition but most of all..  her sense of living is admirable... whenever i express my admiration- she would remind me- it is not her... it is through her.. God has created her and it is in god's plan for her to be all that she is so that she could help others. What she said has truly hit me. I never thought that way.

I took her words and i begin to notice how all these years i had missed out a lot- God listens.. It is me- who should change the way i view the world... if happiness i need- then happiness will it be- it is just that it will not come knocking on our door just like a package we had ordered online.. it is not through our definition of happiness but- GOD's... for.. God knows what actually, truly would make us happy for that particular moment.. it is heaven sent-

It is not the person or things that would make u happy- nope!
No more labeling- we have to stop right there..
-because by labeling - we have limit ourselves to be happy..
-because by labeling - we have victimized ourselves for not being thankful of what God has given us..
-because by labeling - we have put a barrier to cherish life..

Yup- we have to stop right there..
It is not the person or things.. but God grant your wish through them..
Look.. observe.. analyse.. what have we pray for.. what have we wish for..
if we wish for happiness.. it is through them.. we will receive happiness.. the person or the things are not the icon of happiness.. it is through them..
i use to think that when i am with someone whom for me make me happy.. then my life for that day is the perfect one.. ermmm- so naive ehhh...
i was so blind in searching, hoping and worst! expecting for that someone to make me happy that i didn't realized others who have crossed my path have actually paint my day with happiness.. in the end.. blinded with hopes and expectation placed upon the so-called-my icon of happiness... i was sucked back into the whirlpool of depression... urggghhhhhh... a moment of life wasted!!! totally wasted!!

Now.. no more.. what she had said to me that very day.. had opened my eyes..
my days are filled with little surprises.. heaven sent..
it's no longer the icon... but the happening...
not only that.. whatever comes by.. i try to look beyond.. it's heaven sent.. it must be good..
God listens.....
When i feel lonely.. and when i thought my nyte would be lonely for the one i need was not there.... God sent me friends.. and sometimes.. individuals i never expect to meet or even chat with.... God listens..
When i feel incomplete .. struggling to feel confident about myself.. God sent me capabilities to make me feel good about myself.. be it things like to-die-for pair of stilettos or even friends with simple compliments that would make you gloat.. the thing is.. God listens...
And all it was and still is... it is not them... it is through them...

"....when my servants question you about ME, tell them that I am very close to them. I answer the prayer of every suppliant when he calls ME; therefore they should respond to ME and put their trust in ME, so that they may be rightly guided..."
(al-baqarah: 186) 

1 comment:

  1. I like the notes because it gave me the inspiration to live with uncertainty for the achievement of a great competitive
